The Balikpapan Religious Court is one of the Islamic religious legal entities in Balikpapan City that complements the legal force of the Muslim religion with regard to certain cases. In improving the vision, mission, and objectives of the Balikpapan Religious Court, of course, strategies and resources for information systems and information technology are needed. However, the Balikpapan Religious Court has several obstacles experienced, namely, not having resources that are experts in the field of SI / IT, applications that are not realtime, human error, there are still manual business processes, network servers often go down, and there are no guidelines or portfolios of SI / IT applications regarding strategic planning of information systems. This PSSI is expected to help the planning and development of SI / IT at the Balikpapan Religious Court. This research focuses on the Ward and Peppard methodology with Value Chain analysis tools, SWOT, PEST, Porter's Five Force, CSF, technology trends and McFarlan Strategic Grid. The results of this study are in the form of preparing information system strategic planning including SI business strategy, SI / IT management strategy, IT strategy and future application portfolio.