Student organizations
Study Community and Development of Interest and Talent, among others:
Information Systems Student Association

The ITK Information Systems Student Association (HMSI) is an organization that accommodates all student activities at the information systems study program level of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology. HMSI ITK is based at the Kalimantan Institute of Technology. Hmsi ITK sovereignty is in the hands of ITK Information System students and is fully implemented based on the Articles of Association and Bylaws of HMSI ITK.
Meaning of Hexahelix Cabinet Logo

Daily Governing Management

HMSI Daily Governing as a body that performs the functions of control, coordination, and development of administrative and financial systems and communication in building internal and external relations.
Department of internal

Department of Home Affairs is engaged in improving and maintaining the harmony of internal relations of members of information systems and as a forum to express opinions through decision-making forums to improve the quality of HMSI ITK better.
Department of External Relations

Department of External Relations is tasked with building good relations and cooperation between HMSI ITK and external parties (individuals, individuals / agencies).
Department of Professionalism

Department of Professional Affairs that accommodates, facilitates and appreciates the development of student abilities in the academic and non-academic fields to improve competitiveness and competitive climate in the SI environment.
Department of Entrepreneurship

The Department of Entrepreneurship is tasked to accommodate ITK Information System students in building and facilitating creative ideas for business development that are of competitive value in and outside the ITK Information System environment.
Information Media Department

The Information Media Department is responsible for spreading HMSI information so that it can be distributed properly and evenly. As well as raising the positive image of HMSI with the publication of activities and news both internally and externally HMSI ITK.
Student Resource Development Department

The Student Resource Development Department focuses on character development and improving the quality of student resources of the Information Systems Study Program.
Department of Social Society

The Department of Community Social Affairs which has the goal to increase the social care of all ITK Information System Students to the community and the surrounding environment and realize community service in accordance with the realm of Information System professionalism.