Hai HMSI...
In this day and age, of course, we use the internet a lot as a daily necessity. Starting from working online, online shopping and other activities.
In addition, it does not mean that in using the internet this can be safe from everything. Of course, this can be interpreted as a cyber threat that exists in cyberspace.
According to Henri Subiakto, expert staff of kominfo in the field of law "If we work in the office, there must be a section that takes care of and ensures information security issues (cyber security). But at this time of work from home we all work from home, so the potential for cyber crime attacks increases.
Even based on data from the State Cyber and Password Agency (BSSN) throughout 2020 there were 423 million cyber attacks targeting Indonesia.
Of course, this is very dangerous if all people use the internet in providing personal information or the like carelessly in cyberspace.
Therefore, the public must know in the use of the internet and smartphones in order to know how to maintain the security of personal accounts and smartphone devices to avoid cyber threats in Indonesia.