Balikpapan- Software Engineering course in the Information Systems study program at the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) in the even semester of 2021/2022, conducting a course project in software development. In this semester, case studies of course projects were carried out in Penajam Paser Utara Regency (PPU) and were themed Village Digitalization. This course is taught by 2 Information Systems lecturers, namely Mr. M. Gilvy Langgawan Putra, S.Kom., M.MT and Mrs. Sri Rahayu Natasia, S.Komp, M.Si., M.Sc. and was attended by 84 Information Systems students in semester 4.
This course aims to assist students in software development, especially in the field of information systems. Related to the theme of this semester, namely Village Digitalization in Penajam Paser Utara Regency, students immediately went into the field in solving problems in the village. So as to produce 20 projects that can help the surrounding community. 20 information system development projects are spread across various government agencies in PPU villages, starting from the Dinas, Puskesmas, Kelurahan, Kecamatan, as well as village offices and halls.
The 20 applications made in this project are very varied, according to the problems that exist in villages in PPU Regency, for example the Death Data Collection Information System (SIPEKA) – Penajam Village Office, Administrative Services (Community Administration Services) – Outahan Lawe-lawe, Village Aid Distribution Information System (SIBAD) – Bumi Harapan Sepaku Village, Penajam Tourism Information System (SITAJAM) – The Culture and Tourism Office of Penajam Paser Utara Regency and many others. The purpose of this project-based course is very helpful for students in thinking critically in solving problems in society, so that students can help provide solutions in the field of Information Systems. The relevant parties also said that they were greatly helped by students of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) in helping to accelerate the digitization of villages in Sepaku District, it is hoped that there will be many ITK students can help problems that exist in the surrounding community.