HMSI Goes To Campus

Berita - 31 Agustus 2022 - 12:00 AM

HMSI Goes to Campus has been carried out on  Saturday, July 23, 2022 at 14.00-17.00 WITA  through the Zoom application. HMSI Goes To Campus is an event that aims to be a means of exchanging information between HMSI ITK and fellow Information Systems Student Associations. HMSI Goes To Campus is also a work program of  HMSI (Information Systems Student Association), especially the External Relations department.

In this activity, HMSI Goes To Campus this first series, HMSI ITK and HMSI ITS collaborated with the  aim of sharing knowledge and experiences and establishing friendships with the theme "Building Relationships, Increasing Innovation and Creativity for the Sake of Improving Organizational Performance".

From this activity, the benefits that can be obtained include increasing knowledge and experience in sharing sessions with HMSI ITS, and increasing the breadth of relationships through  self-introduction in the session discussion before starting to express an opinion.