Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)
Code |
PEO 1 |
Produce graduates who are able to perform the audit process of IT in an organisation correctly and provide clear recommendations based on the audit result to ensure smooth IT operations. |
PEO 2 |
Produce graduates who are able to plan, organise, and execute a project development of IT software with the available resources. |
PEO 3 |
Produce graduates who are able to analyse the data in a business organisation to provide inputs for recommendations to improve the process to support business goals |
PEO 4 |
Produce graduates who are able to analyse the opportunities in the digital market to create new business with the aid of various advances in technology. |
Intended Learning Outcome (ILO)
Code |
ILO (EN) |
ILO (ID) |
ILO.1 |
An ability to communicate effectively in oral and written manners with a range of audiences |
Mampu untuk berkomunikasi efektif secara lisan dan tulisan dengan audiens yang bervariasi |
ILO.2 |
An ability to solve complex problems and make informed judgments, which must consider the sustainability aspect as well as to utilize information technology and the potential of national resources with global perspective. |
Mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan kompleks, serta mengambil keputusan dengan mempertimbangkan aspek keberlanjutan serta memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan potensi sumber daya nasional dalam perspektif global |
ILO.3 |
An ability to collaborate effectively in multidisciplinary and multicultural team whose members together provide leadership to achieve the objectives |
Mampu berkolaborasi secara efektif dalam tim multi disiplin dan budaya yang beragam, serta bersama-sama memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan untuk mencapai tujuan |
ILO.4 |
An ability to apply Pancasila values, ethical and professional responsibilities, |
Mampu mengaplikasikan nilai Pancasila, etika dan tanggung jawab profesional |
ILO.5 |
An ability to perform life-long learning and apply new knowledge as needed using appropriate learning strategies. |
Mampu menunjukkan kemampuan belajar sepanjang hayat dan menerapkan pengetahuan tersebut sesuai kebutuhan dengan strategi pembelajaran yang tepat |
ILO.6 |
An ability to develop and evaluate information systems to support business goals |
Mampu untuk membangun dan mengevaluasi sistem informasi untk mendukung objektif organisasi |
ILO.7 |
An ability to formulate data and information to support effective and efficient decision making in business and management context |
Mampu untuk memformulasikan data dan informasi untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan secara efektif dan efisien dalam konteks bisnis dan manajemen |
ILO.8 |
An ability to design and evaluate infrastructure and technology while providing assurance for the information security |
Mampu untuk merancang teknologi dan infrastruktur dengan memperhatikan jaminan terhadap keamanan informasi |
ILO.9 |
An ability to develop strategic management of IT in organizations |
Mampu untuk merancang strategi manajemen teknologi informasi dalam organisasi |
ILO.10 |
An ability to integrate and implement IT solutions in organization |
Mampu untuk mengintegrasikan dan mengimplementasikan solusi teknologi infomrasi dalam organisasi |